Is Paul Herod the new Headteacher of Beccles Free School (but doesn't want to say so)?
Interviews were held recently for the Headteacher posts at the proposed Beccles and Saxmundham Free Schools but nothing has been heard from the elusive Seckford Foundation about the outcome.
Trying to recruit a Headteacher at this time of year is not easy as it is too late for serving Heads to give notice so an ideal candidate for this £66,000 to £75,000 a year post would be someone who is not currently a Head.
Someone, for example, like Paul Herod who used to be the Headteacher of Roman Hill Middle School in Lowestoft until it was closed due to school re-organisation in July 2011.
If Paul Herod has been appointed to this post both he and Seckford are keeping quiet about it, possibly until the school is finally approved. As Seckford were only too happy to announce Rob Cawley’s appointment as Principal this makes me wonder if Herod is not so keen to be linked to the school in case the project does not get final approval from the DfE.
There is also speculation that Seckford were not able to find a suitable Headteacher for Saxmundham.
Whatever the situation it is incredible that half way into May there are still no Heads announced for the schools.
As I have a child starting at Secondary School this year I am trying to put myself in the position of prospective parents and it seems clear why so few have applied. How any parent is supposed to assess a school that doesn’t even exist yet when then cannot even meet the Head I have no idea.
And what about the children who should be preparing for what is an important transition with visits to the school and getting to know the staff?