
Debenham Library Read-in 19th March

Creators of the "Library" acrostic pose for a photo
An all night marathon read-in began today at Suffolk's smallest library in Debenham. Crowds gathered to hear local people read and to write slogans on the wall of the library.

Local county councillor Eddy Alcott briefly appeared at the event. When local teenagers challenged him to sign the petition to Save Suffolk's Libraries he refused. He looked very uncomfortable but claimed to the BBC and local people that he wanted to see the library kept open. He quickly left interestingly before local MP Dan Poulter arrived.

MP Dr Dan Poulter signs the Save
Suffolk Libraries petition
Local MP Dan Poulter came along and signed the petition and even left his mark on the wall. He was presented with letters from primary school children appealing to him to help to save the library and Dr Poulter promised to "do all that he could" to help. Dr Poulter stayed for quite a while and several people present engaged him in conversation about library closures and, inevitably, wider issues at Suffolk County Council such as the New Strategic Direction and Andrea Hill.

Dr Poulter has already raised the issue of Ms Hill's salary in parliament calling on her to take a pay cut and was critical of the County Council for not dealing with this issue. He also promised to continue to support local libraries having previously attended a meeting at Stradbroke and raised the issue with ministers.

The marathon read-in is still continuing all night and finishes at 4pm on Sunday.

A full set of photos can be seen on Flickr

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