Stradbroke Primary School's "Outstanding" Ofsted Report!

This is a huge achievement for the school and I would like to congratulate Mrs Melanie Barrow the Headteacher and all the staff of the school. What makes an outstanding school is outstanding staff teaching and supporting outstanding lessons and that is just what the school has.
The report says:
Stradbroke Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School is an outstanding school. It has improved considerably since its last inspection owing to the relentless drive of the headteacher, whose dynamic and innovative leadership has built a very strong team of outstanding staff...Parents and carers are delighted with the work of the school. One, speaking for many, said, ‘Mrs Barrow and her team never stay still! The school isalways moving forward and the children are excited and ‘pumped’ about school and learning, week in, week out. That is an accomplishment indeed!’
The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding. Lessons inspire the pupils because they are fully involved in their learning, work is pitched precisely to meet their needs and there is a high level of challenge.
In respect of the way the school is governed the report says:
The senior leadership team is constantly looking for solutions rather than finding problems, and they are joined in this by the highly effective governing body, whose strategic view has placed the school on a firm financial footing and whose expertise has supported all aspects of the school’s development. Governors display considerable levels of challenge, like everybody else,expecting the best from the school’s leaders.Melanie Barrow, Headteacher of the School commented in a letter to parents today:
This really is a very significant and important achievement. It is validation that we have a high performing and successful school and it is one which I am very proud to be Headteacher of. As the report states “Stradbroke Primary is an Outstanding school”.
There is a copy of the full report attached below for you to read or download. Please see the Stradbroke Primary School website for more about the school.
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