New blog at http://hargrave.org.uk
I've moved mew new blogging to the Medium platform. You can find my new posts at http://hargrave.org.uk I am going to leave my archi...
I've moved mew new blogging to the Medium platform. You can find my new posts at http://hargrave.org.uk I am going to leave my archi...
Back in 2012 I wrote extensively about the proposed Seckford Free Schools at Beccles and Saxmundham saying they were unwanted and that the...
Grove Farm, Stradbroke © Copyright Adrian Cable and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence
Download a copy of the letter recommending refusal of Grove Farm plans A detailed response from Suffolk County Council's landscape ...
It's sad, so sad It's a sad, sad situation. And it's getting more and more absurd. It's sad, so sad Why can't w...
From left to right: current Chairman Stuart Gemmill, Clerk Carol Smy, Vice-Chair Olly Last and former Chair Nick Stones Current Parish ...
UPDATED 10/5/2015 with sound and video clips Tonight Stradbroke Parish Council hit a new low with both the resignation of the Parish Cler...
Over the past few months broadband speeds in Stradbroke have got worse and worse with some people experiencing complete loss of service for ...
The Coalition Government under Eric Pickles introduced several pieces of legislation aimed at improving local government openness and tr...
Suffolk County Council have provided some more information about the availability of "superfast" broadband in Stradbroke. There is...
Updated with Soundcloud clips from the meeting on 19/5/15 at 17:30 At the first meeting of the newly elected Stradbroke Parish Council la...
LIVE BLOG from the Stradbroke Parish Council AGM on 18th Feb 2015 starts at 7.30pm with the election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. This is ...
I sat watching the election coverage last night with two very puzzled looking children. They were finding it hard to understand how the vote...
In response to my previous blog post " When will Stradbroke get Superfast broadband " Suffolk County Council have sent the followi...
Back exactly five years ago on 3rd May 2010 I wrote a Blog post about why I was voting for the Lib Dems . Unlike some bloggers I keep ...
As Tory MPs go I must admit to quite liking Dan Poulter (or Dr Dan as he likes to be known). I think I liked him more before he went on th...
Anyone who attended the annual parish meeting last night might have ended up with a feeling of deja-vu. Stradbroke's County Councillor G...
Papers published online as part of the Stradbroke Neighbourhood Plan traffic workstream show a suggestion to join together the proposed Gr...
The Diss Express report of Stradbroke Parish Council's vote on the proposed Grove Farm development makes interesting reading. A split ...
Stradbroke Parish Council needs to change. The elections on 7th May provide a rare opportunity to ensure that it does. The fact that w...
This artists impression might be the closest we get to affordable housing in Stradbroke Being old enough to remember the Thatcher govern...
In a "viability" study submitted as part of the planning process for the proposed Grove Farm development the market value of the ...
People often say there is no point in voting and sometimes they have a point. But on May 7th this year there is every reason for Stra...
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