Library Consultation nears its end....
Suffolk County Council's library consultation is nearly at its end but there is a lot still happening!
If you wish to respond to the consultation you have under 30 April to so so. You can reply at:
NOTE: You only need answer Q7 if you just want to comment about the future of library services, Suffolk County Council have accepted not all the questions may be relevant to individuals.
May and June - analysis of consultation responses and consideration of options for Cabinet;
If you wish to respond to the consultation you have under 30 April to so so. You can reply at:
NOTE: You only need answer Q7 if you just want to comment about the future of library services, Suffolk County Council have accepted not all the questions may be relevant to individuals.
You can see Suffolk's consultation documentation online and read 10 Reasons I think the consultation is flawed.
Petitions including the large "Save Suffolk Libraries" petition will be handed over to Suffolk County Council at 1100 on Wed 27th April. More information soon about the arrangements for this.
Bungay Library Scrapbook Handover - Sat 30th April 1030 at Bungay Library
Mark Bee, leader elect of Suffolk County Council, is to visit Bungay Library. He will be at the library on Saturday 30th April at 10.30am to receive the Save Bungay Library campaign's “What Bungay Library means to me” scrapbook, on behalf of the County Council. Waveney MP Peter Aldous will also attend.
The scrapbook has been created by the Save Bungay Library campaign from written notes, photographs and quotes collected from all those attending various events held over the last few months. The scrapbook forms a powerful document showing what a vital resource the library is to Bungay and the significant role it plays in the lives local residents.
All those who have attended previous events, and contributed to the scrapbook, are invited to attend, together with anyone who uses or supports Bungay Library. Campaign co-ordinator Sylvia Knights said:
Framlingham Town Council has put forward to Suffolk County Council an expression of interest to take over the library in Framlingham. There will be a Public Meeting on Friday 20th May at 7pm in the Main Hall of Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School, to hear their plans and discuss how people can work together to help keep this valuable asset and service in the town. All are welcome.
The scrapbook has been created by the Save Bungay Library campaign from written notes, photographs and quotes collected from all those attending various events held over the last few months. The scrapbook forms a powerful document showing what a vital resource the library is to Bungay and the significant role it plays in the lives local residents.
All those who have attended previous events, and contributed to the scrapbook, are invited to attend, together with anyone who uses or supports Bungay Library. Campaign co-ordinator Sylvia Knights said:
Mark Bee has already expressed his desire to really listen to the people of Suffolk and this is a marvellous opportunity for anyone who cares about the future of the library to come and make their views known to those in local and central government.Framlingham Town Council Public Meeting - Fri 20 May at 1900
Framlingham Town Council has put forward to Suffolk County Council an expression of interest to take over the library in Framlingham. There will be a Public Meeting on Friday 20th May at 7pm in the Main Hall of Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School, to hear their plans and discuss how people can work together to help keep this valuable asset and service in the town. All are welcome.
Consultation Timetable
Suffolk County Council have provided the timetable below:
July – Outcomes and recommendations to Cabinet;
September and October - further consultation;
November - consideration of responses;
December - Final report to Cabinet;
January to March 2012 - implementation of December decisions.
It is interesting that there is to be a further consultation in the autumn and also that they appear to have "missed out" any consideration by full Council....