Shadow Chancellor condemns "ideological" library cuts as Judy Terry claims more libraries may open!
Ed Balls the Labour Shadow Chancellor has been visiting Rosehill library in Suffolk today presumably to help the Labour district council campaign in Ipswich.
The BBC report that he said of the cuts:
I fear that in Suffolk they [the county council] seem to be embracing this ideological desire to get public services out of the way entirely with a bit more relish than most people expected," he said.
Most people who depend upon libraries would say 'I don't want it to be a lottery depending on whether people are willing to volunteer to keep them open.This doesn't surprise me and I agree with this view but the response of Cllr Judy Terry, Portfolio Holder for Libraries is bizzare even by the standards of Suffolk County Council, she replies:
It may be that some close, but has anyone actually thought that we may open some libraries?
Well no, I don't think that anybody has thought that Suffolk County Council plan to open more libraries. This is probably because they issued a consultation document warning in Cllr Terry's own words:
However, should responses to the consultation prove disappointing, it is imperative that we make the necessary savings, meaning that we may have to close 29 libraries.So why on earth would anyone reading this consultation think new libraries would be opened? Even if they were opened Suffolk have made it clear they don't want to run them so I do not understand the use of "we" here unless Cllr Terry is planning to run them personally?