When will Stradbroke get "superfast" broadband?
Unfortunately he still had no real concrete answers. Indeed he appeared to be under the mis-apprehension that parts of Stradbroke already have superfast broadband. Which as we all know isn't the case. We do have some rather nice green cabinets in various places but no sign of the actual fast broadband that is so wanted and needed by local residents, businesses and schools.
All that we know is that some parts of the village are going to get superfast broadband sometime but we don't know when this will be (possibly by September) or what parts of the village (possibly the parts on a map you can see below).
The situation isn't helped by the poor quality of information provided by both the Better Broadband for Suffolk website and BT Openreach.
Better Broadband for Suffolk which is the Suffolk County Council led and government funded rural broadband project has a confusing map which is even worse for people like me who are colour blind and cannot see the differences between the colours:

Perhaps this is where the idea that there is service already is coming from? Part of the village is shown as "fibre present in some areas...". Except that it isn't.
BT open reach boast a new website but its answers are even more vague. Every number I typed in for Stradbroke in whatever part of the village just came up with "planned area" saying that fibre might be available some time in the next 18 months.

Roger Turkington who both this year and last questioned McGregor about broadband has already published more information he obtained about broadband on the Stradbroke Online website. Here he comments:
Contrary to various rumours and reports elsewhere, less than half of the village is likely to get superfast broadband next year. As yet neither BT Openreach or SCC will give a definite date when the upgrade will happen - just sometime in 2015. However, we do now know which parts of the village will benefit and which wont....The map can be seen below:
This is clearly not the good news we were all hoping for and so we will be taking up the offer made by our County Councillor - Guy McGregor - to raise the issue with the Better Broadband team at SCC

The coloured area is apparently where broadband will be available but green cabinets can clearly be seen outside this area, for example at Queens Street.
The meeting promised back in April 2014 never took place but this time we were promised that Guy McGregor would arrange for someone to come to a parish council meeting to explain the situation.
I think what everyone is seeking here is some clarity. What will be available, where and (within a few months) when. Given that we know much of the infrastructure has already been installed and any more would need months of planning in advance this information must be known to somebody in Suffolk County Council or BT Openreach. Hopefully we don't have to wait another year for the next annual parish meeting to find out....