Suffolk County Council 's "Secret" Library Consultation Project Team Named
For sometime myself and several library campaigners have been trying to get hold of the names of the consultation project team who are apparently analysing the responses received as part of the library consultation you can find here.
For reasons that are unclear they did not want to release this information and I had to serve an FOI to get it. The results are below and I have now been invited together with some other library campigners to meet this group so it is nice to actually know their names!
Guenever Pachent - Suffolk County Council Project Sponsor
Roger McMaster - Head of Suffolk Libraries
Mike Ellwood - Suffolk Libraries Project Manager
Stephen Taylor - Suffolk Libraries Adult Services Manager
Helen Boothroyd - Suffolk Libraries Children and Young Persons
Services Manager
Lisa Elmer - Suffolk Libraries Area Manager
Linda Farnworth - Suffolk Libraries Area Manager
Paul Howarth - Suffolk Libraries Area Manager
Alison Wheeler - Suffolk County Council Head of Service Development
Richard Catherall - Suffolk County Council Group Manager Business
Additional support from:
Wendy Herber - SAVO
Miles Cole - LEAP Co-Operative
Quentin Cass - Suffolk County Council Property Services
Lindsey Richardson - CSD Finance
The analysis of the consultation responses is being led by Lyn Baran, Head of Research and Intelligence in Transformation and Performance, Suffolk County Council.
For reasons that are unclear they did not want to release this information and I had to serve an FOI to get it. The results are below and I have now been invited together with some other library campigners to meet this group so it is nice to actually know their names!
Guenever Pachent - Suffolk County Council Project Sponsor
Roger McMaster - Head of Suffolk Libraries
Mike Ellwood - Suffolk Libraries Project Manager
Stephen Taylor - Suffolk Libraries Adult Services Manager
Helen Boothroyd - Suffolk Libraries Children and Young Persons
Services Manager
Lisa Elmer - Suffolk Libraries Area Manager
Linda Farnworth - Suffolk Libraries Area Manager
Paul Howarth - Suffolk Libraries Area Manager
Alison Wheeler - Suffolk County Council Head of Service Development
Richard Catherall - Suffolk County Council Group Manager Business
Additional support from:
Wendy Herber - SAVO
Miles Cole - LEAP Co-Operative
Quentin Cass - Suffolk County Council Property Services
Lindsey Richardson - CSD Finance
The analysis of the consultation responses is being led by Lyn Baran, Head of Research and Intelligence in Transformation and Performance, Suffolk County Council.