People of Suffolk don't want Library divestment say Save Suffolk Libraries
The Save Suffolk Libraries Campaign Network have sent 9 Recommendations to Suffolk County Council's Cabinet ahead of their crunch meeting on libraries scheduled for 19th July. Copied to all County Councillors the full recommendations can be seen below.
Next Thursday at 2pm members of the campaign network will be present at the full County Council meeting for a debate resulting from the petitions with more than 34 000 signatures that have been handed in and will be asking the Council to support their recommendations to the Cabinet.
It has emerged recently that of the approximately 4000 consultation responses some 3099 wanted the Council to continue to run libraries. Later this week the consultation responses will be published in full.
It has also emerged that Suffolk already has one of the lowest levels of library funding in the country. Plans by the County Council to reduce the funding by a further 30% look worrying.
You can read or download the full recommendations document below:
Save Suffolk Libraries Recommendations to Cabinet
Next Thursday at 2pm members of the campaign network will be present at the full County Council meeting for a debate resulting from the petitions with more than 34 000 signatures that have been handed in and will be asking the Council to support their recommendations to the Cabinet.
It has emerged recently that of the approximately 4000 consultation responses some 3099 wanted the Council to continue to run libraries. Later this week the consultation responses will be published in full.
It has also emerged that Suffolk already has one of the lowest levels of library funding in the country. Plans by the County Council to reduce the funding by a further 30% look worrying.
You can read or download the full recommendations document below:
Save Suffolk Libraries Recommendations to Cabinet