
Suffolk Library Decision and Petition Debate Timetable

The library petitions are well over the 3700 or so signatures needed to force a debate by the County Council and we have now agreed a timetable for the petition debate and decision making process.

The Petition debate date for libraries will now be 14th July at 2pm

The next County Council meeting is on 26th May and three petitions will be presented at this meeting including the eXplore card petition which will be handed over with a photo call at 1230 with the debate from 2pm so please come if you can, more details on Caroline Pages's Blog

Decision Making Timetable

26th May - Suffolk CC Annual Meeting, 3 Petitions (eXplore Card, Country Parks and Refuse Sites) to be presented, 2pm Endeavour House

14th June - Scrutiny Committee to discuss libraries - 10am Endeavour House

14th July - Petition Debate on Libraries at County Council - 2pm Endeavour House

19th July - Cabinet Decision - 1.30pm Endeavour House
Suffolk County Council 8454572546979332429

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