Suffolk County Council hold "mobile hackday"
Mark Bee has successfully pushed the importance of technology since he took over as Leader of Suffolk County Council. The campaign for faster broadband saw not only County Council support but also significant funding.
Suffolk County Council are now building on this and holding a “mobile hackday” at Endeavour House on Saturday in partnership with Weejot which is a mobile apps platform from Jadu that the County Council have subscribed to.
The event - which is free - looks really interesting including a keynote by former BT CIO and technologist Peter Cochrane. You can see more information below or sign up at Eventbrite if you would like to attend.
There is also an interesting post about the event on the Suffolk Digital blog:
Suffolk County Council are now building on this and holding a “mobile hackday” at Endeavour House on Saturday in partnership with Weejot which is a mobile apps platform from Jadu that the County Council have subscribed to.
The event - which is free - looks really interesting including a keynote by former BT CIO and technologist Peter Cochrane. You can see more information below or sign up at Eventbrite if you would like to attend.
There is also an interesting post about the event on the Suffolk Digital blog:
We had some interesting queries arise from our previous email and blog regarding the upcoming “Hack Day” at SCC which were brought up in discussion with the team from Council.. The most interesting take aways from this were a) that this is really an exciting experiment and a well intentioned initiative for a local council to be doing b) moving forward there is an opportunity for developers (pref. local!) to create commercial apps for the Council – a ready waiting customer..and c) we see the day as the beginning of a discussion involving the local community and the tech minded amongst them to create useful future products for local people .. and it should be fun!
Also – you don’t have to be an expert to get involved on the day – maybe you have an idea for a useful app which has been at the back of your mind for a while – or a local problem which the use of a well designed app could help resolve? If so, come along and share your ideas.. developers from Weejot & Jadu will be on hand to help anyone who feels they are lacking in developers skills.. or work in a team with a like minded group.Event details are below: