Desperate Seckford offer free uniforms, iPod Touch and even free lunches for Beccles Free School pupils
As has been well covered by this Blog the Seckford Foundation are having difficulty recruiting students to attend Beccles Free School.
Characteristically they try and lay the blame for this elsewhere. Emailing supporters today following the first in a series of recruitment meetings for parents in Beccles, Free School Principal Rob Cawley says:
I was dismayed to hear of the level of misinformation there is the community about the Free School. As a Trust, we have deliberately avoided getting involved in any direct discussions with those who are distributing this propaganda as we believe our educational message stands strongly on its own merits. Despite this approach I am concerned, as were the parents / carers, students, staff and supporters who attended the meeting yesterday, that we address this issue.Strangely for an organisation with such a “high minded” approach they seem to be offering a little bit of an inducement, Free school freebies you might call them to help parents with their decision. Cawley goes on:
In the meeting we were able to confirm with parents / carers and students that the Trust will provide, free of charge, branded items of school uniform and school meals for the first half term for every student. We were also able to explain to all attendees that we are currently exploring the possibility that every student be provided with an iPod Touch – in addition to all the other mobile technology we will be providing in the school – for use in lessons and for learning at home.The provision of inducements at public expense - including an iPod that would have little if any educational value - shows the reality of the situation. Desperate.
Seckford did not engage in direct discussions with those opposed to them because they did not think they had to. They appeared to know already that the school would be approved by the DfE come what may and appeared to forget that a school however lavishly funded is not much use without staff and students.
Ultimately though they simply lost the argument.
Everybody knows there is no such thing as a free lunch. I am sure Beccles parents will see through this blatant attempt to buy them.
The Seckford Foundation have truly sunk to a new low today. Rob Cawley a Suffolk Headteacher that used to command some respect should hang his head in shame. Did he really become a Headteacher to hold meetings at the end of June to offer freebies to parents already committed to send their children elsewhere if they send them to his school?