Backlash in Brandon against new IES Free School
The main concern is that not a single one of the Breckland Middle School teachers will be hired by IES to work in the new free school which opens in September.
Given the strong campaign run by SABRES to “save the middle school” many Brandon residents are angry.
This post is an example of someone very angry:
RIP Breckland Middle School ----- hello all that stinks to high heaven in the Tory paradise which is Cameron's Britain and, more pertinently, Gove's sad little educational fiefdom.
Sad is perhaps the wrong word ---- all of the existing staff made redundant in the cynical ploy which the "new" school looks ever more likely to have been all along ; staff whom the kids around here have for years largely trusted and liked ; staff who have, to my certain knowledge, put in hundreds of extra hours of their own time ; staff with whom the children of the town felt safe.
All this under an organization which seems quite happy to allow into the public domain such literary nuggets as "Sweden History" , "aproximately" and "this shield shapes" --- this cleerly promotes a truely and reely gud egsample to the rest off us. lol
Joking aside, how appalling of IES to sack the existing teachers.
( "Oh no, Choceur --- they were not 'sacked' ; they were merely not up to the "outstanding" talents of those who HAVE been recently employed" ........ "Oh yes they were", replies Choceur," this was a strategic cuckoo's nest move to tip the existing teachers out of the tree")
I could go on, but what's the point ? It seems to me that this has been a done deal from the start................ Well done ( SLOW HAND-CLAP ...)Others are unhappy about both the cost and organisation of the uniform sale event that was recently held:
What an utter shambles it was- totally disorganised. Uniform people were, actually, spot on. The general organisation of the event was pitiful. I agree with Chocolate Hearts, it doesn't bode well for the running of a whole school if this simple event couldn't be organised properly. Not only that, it seems not everyone was even told it was on, some only found out by word of mouth! And who was told to bring money? Yes, it is probably obvious, but it was only billed as a measuring event, no mention of payment (and quite a big bill, at that, though it does look nice) Then there are the grammatical errors on the web-site...... I am seriously considering looking elsewhere, even the dreaded bus ride to MCT. Big shame about the staff, too. My little one only wanted to stay here because she thought some of the excellent staff were staying too. Will give it a go, but I'm not convinced, not by a long way.Bear in mind that this is in a town - Brandon - that apparently had strong support for a free school. In reality what it seems parents wanted was to save the middle school. People told them the free school would do this and now they are becoming angry as it increasingly becomes clear it will not.
Do read the comments on the Brandon Suffolk forum if you get the chance.