
Seckford recruiting staff for Saxmundham and Beccles

Seckford Job Search   TES JobsAs I reported the Seckford Foundation recently appointed Rob Cawley as Principal of the Seckford Free Schools. They are currently interviewing for Headteachers for the two schools.

They have now begun to recruit several further staff further staff as you can see from the TES.

However the DfE has still not made a final decision on either Saxmundham or Beccles schools with Gove telling the Education Committee of the House of Commons only today that Free Schools would only go ahead where there was strong independent evidence of local support. This is certainly not the case in Beccles.
These appointments are all “subject to funding agreement” but this is a lot of trouble to go to if they were worried the schools would not go ahead.

And if the schools do they will have an incredible number of expensive senior leadership posts for such small schools.

What is particularly interesting in the adverts Seckford Seckfordcomparedhave published is the contrast between these posts and a post advertised at their “flagship” Woodbridge School. All these posts have salary ranges advertised but not the post at Woodbrige School.

But that is not the end of the differences. The Woodbridge English post is clear that they are looking for a “good honours graduate” which is a First or 2:1 but the Subject Teachers for the Free Schools just need “an honours degree”. Parents might find this an interesting fact and it shows quite clearly that these schools are not going to be mini-Woodbridges.
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