Have the DfE already approved Beccles and Saxmundham Free Schools?
The Seckford Foundation sent a letter to parents in the Thurston area today about their proposals for a free school in Ixworth. This letter ...
The Seckford Foundation sent a letter to parents in the Thurston area today about their proposals for a free school in Ixworth. This letter ...
Woodbridge Head Stephen Cole Highest paid employee? The 2011 Accounts for the Seckford Foundation available from Companies House reveal...
As a predominantly rural county home to school transport is a very large part of the education budget. It is also something that the County ...
As I reported the Seckford Foundation recently appointed Rob Cawley as Principal of the Seckford Free Schools. They are currently interview...
Andrew Nicholson Head of Beyton Middle School Suffolk County Council's cabinet approved the change from three tier to two tier in th...
Not Subject to Freedom of Information In correspondence seen by this Blog, the Seckford Foundation have refused to answer any questions ...
The more observant readers of this Blog might have noticed that if you go to the individual article page for any blogpost you now see a tool...
Rob Cawley The Beccles and Bungay Journal report today that Rob Cawley has been appointed by the Seckford Foundation as Principal Desig...
Stradbroke WI Table Cloth Last night my wife Claire and I gave a presentation to the Stradbroke Women's Institute (WI) about socia...
Sometime ago I wrote a blog post explaining why I had left the Liberal Democrat party . For me the straw that broke the camel's back w...
As the Easter conference season ends one thing is clear. Teachers and their unions are not happy. I lost count of the number of threats to g...
Earlier today I published a post entitled Teaching Unions declare war on "poster boy" Gove where I quoted from a c ase study of f...
Chris Keates from the NASUWT with a cardboard cut out of Michael Gove (photo BBC News) Michael Gove is seen by many as the "poster ...
Some time ago one of my sons made me a lego dock for my phone using instructions he found on You Tube. I got a new iPhone 4S recently but ...
Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson Bishop of Buckingham As some readers will know and others will not I used to be a very active member of the Churc...
Much of South and West Suffolk is now subject to a hosepipe ban imposed by Anglian Water but customers in the North of the county served b...
Peter Aldous Waveney MP The EDP report today that the decision on Beccles Free School is likely to be after Easter now according to l...
Cllr Lisa Chambers, Waste Portfolio Holder Back in February the first waste site to be "divested" by Suffolk County Council at...
The Seckford Foundation have certainly been behaving with a lot of confidence. Despite a serious public backlash against the Beccles Free Sc...
I have published the full text of the freedom of information response I got from Suffolk County Council on the proposed Seckford Free Scho...
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