Suffolk Free Schools: County Council changed response to DfE for "political" reasons
Suffolk County Council were asked by the DfE to give their views of the proposed Suffolk Free Schools. A thorough response was drafted by County Council officers based on factual information. You can see a copy of this below:
Draft Submission by Suffolk CC to DfE re Free Schools
However this letter was never sent. The reason for this is, according to County Council Officer Simon White that "Graham [Newman] has had a few "difficult" political discussions about Beccles, and wants us to recast the letter in more neutral terms" so the letter was, presumably redrafted and sent but I do not have a copy as I think it missed the "deadline" for my FOI. You can see Simon White's email in full:
Draft Submission by Suffolk CC to DfE re Free Schools
However this letter was never sent. The reason for this is, according to County Council Officer Simon White that "Graham [Newman] has had a few "difficult" political discussions about Beccles, and wants us to recast the letter in more neutral terms" so the letter was, presumably redrafted and sent but I do not have a copy as I think it missed the "deadline" for my FOI. You can see Simon White's email in full:
From: Simon WhiteThis is a shame as the letter (and especially the tables at the end) are very clear abut the impact of the free schools on other Suffolk schools. Here is the Beccles Scenario:
Sent: 21 February 2012 09:29
To: Philip Houghton
Cc: Phil Whiffing
Subject: Letter to DfE re Free Schools
Just talked to Graham about the draft. I had redone it to make our views clearer (I thought). However Graham has had a few "difficult" political discussions about Beccles, and wants us to recast the letter in more neutral terms - just providing information about the pupil numbers, the likely range of impact on neighbouring schools, and the current performance of those schools. This makes for a shorter letter and with the same info and length on each proposal. This is essentially "answering" the DfEs narrow question, not saying we support or oppose, and leaving them to make the inferences. Could you have a go at drafting this today? Thanks. My now obsolete additions attached.
2014-15 Sir John Leman |
No Free School
Free School Full (108 in year)
Free School 50% Full (54 in year)
These figures clearly show the proposed free school would have a significant and possibly devastating effect on Sir John Leman High School. It's a shame that the County Council did not see fit to point this out clearly to the DfE preferring them to "make inferences". I don't think they are likely to.
Tomorrow the free school proposers who think their opponents are "pathetic" and should be ignored and want to "kick the backside" of local schools - and watch out for free school FOI shorts before then!
Tomorrow the free school proposers who think their opponents are "pathetic" and should be ignored and want to "kick the backside" of local schools - and watch out for free school FOI shorts before then!