
Seckford Foundation attack Head of Sir John Leman School over Twitter comments

Roger Finbow
Chair of Governors
The Seckford Foundation who run Woodbridge School which they describe as "one of the premier schools in the East of England" is not happy. Their plans to open a free school in Beccles, one of at least three they are behind in Suffolk are running into local opposition.

This blog has detailed previously the campaign being fought by Sir John Leman High School who feel that the free school is not needed and who will be significantly impacted by its opening. A less than stunning open evening last week failed to demonstrate the "strong" parental demand they claim for the school.

So the Seckford Foundation have gone on the attack. Their Chair of Governors, Roger Finbow has according to the Guardian written a letter to Sir John Leman Head Jeremy Rowe including a personal attack on him for his use of Twitter to defend his school. Finbow writes that his use of Twitter:
"is not worthy of a headteacher who expects to be taken seriously..."
and goes on to say:
"We were asked by those in the Beccles community who wish for an alternative to Sir John Leman academy to support their … bid. The future education of the children of Beccles is a serious subject. It should not be trivialised by comments on Twitter."
I could not find Roger Finbow on Twitter and I think it is fair to say he is not a regular user of the site. Some might wonder why Finbow has chosen to criticise something that he appears to know very little about.

A "trivial" Twitter conversation between Gove's Special Advisor
Sam Freedman and Jeremy Rowe, Head of Sir John Leman School
In fact had he followed Jeremy Rowe on Twitter he would know he had spent a deal of his time arguing with Sam Freedman who is Gove's special advisor and is extremely active on Twitter. I wonder if Sam Freedman is aware that his behaviour is "trivialising" a serious subject and if he has also received a nasty letter from the Seckford Foundation?

But I thought this Tweet really summed it up:

I am sure Jeremy Rowe will continue his fight to support the children of Beccles and their local school. The reaction of Seckford just shows he has touched a nerve. 

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