Suffolk Free School Problem Mapped
The map below has been produced by @schoolduggery on Twitter and shows secondary schools and proposed free schools in Suffolk. It helps to ...
The map below has been produced by @schoolduggery on Twitter and shows secondary schools and proposed free schools in Suffolk. It helps to ...
Roger Finbow Chair of Governors Woodbridge The Seckford Foundation who run Woodbridge School which they describe as "one of the pre...
Dear Nick At the time of the last general election I decided to support the Lib Dems and actively campaigned for them, delivering leafle...
The Coalition Government has been running into huge political opposition to its attempts to marketise and privatise parts of the NHS. But me...
Not so long ago blogging about schools in Suffolk would have been a bit boring. Nothing much changed. Maybe a new Head arrived or a school...
Jeremy Rowe, Head of Sir John Leman High Beccles This blog has already reported the situation in Beccles, Suffolk a small market town of...
Suffolk Police Authority Chair Cllr Joanna Spicer This year the Government have effectively forced Council Tax to be frozen for a second...
Alison Wheeler General Manager, Suffolk Libraries IPS Yesterday the founding members of the Interim Board of Suffolk Libraries IPS appo...
Suffolk County Council, local MPs and businesses are uniting to try and get better broadband for Suffolk. They have already managed to sec...
The Thurston Consultation results have been published as part of the papers for the County Council's Cabinet meeting next week, you can ...
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