
Ixworth Free School proposers looking for (public) money

Cllr Joanna Spicer
The Ixworth Free school proposers are looking for money. Already they have secured £1000 from local Suffolk County Councillor Joanna Spicer although it is unclear if this is a personal contribution or public funds from her "locality budget" which is County Council funds.

The proposers have now written to parish councils asking them to set money aside from their precepts next year towards their setup costs which they estimate could "exceed £20 000". The full text of this letter is available on wikisuffolk. Much of this money is likely to end up in the pockets of lawyers and expensive management consultants.

These bids have become a nice earner for some, TPP Law for example have helped 5 successful schools (and who knows how many unsuccessful bids). I am sure that they provide a good service but I seriously wonder if this is a proper use of parish council's limited budgets.

Instead of donating money towards a free school if parish councils really think they should be giving money to schools (and I am sure many think this is the job of the County and Government) then they would be much better supporting their local primary schools. £1000 pounds would go a long way in a primary school as Rachel Gooch points out on Twitter:

I know where I would put my money and I hope parish councils will reflect on what they money will be used for. 

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