
Suffolk Cabinet Member calls Library Pilot Groups "outsiders"

Cllr Jane Storey
In relation to my post on the problems library pilots are having in North Suffolk with property issues Stradbroke library pilot received an email from Cllr Jane Storey the Cabinet member responsible for property issues that has rather thrown petrol on the flames. In an email sent to Stradbroke Parish Council Chair Ann Kerr and copied to other members of the pilots she says:
Thank you for your e-mail. It is not easy weighing up the pro's and con's of each case. I met with Brian yesterday and, with others, we have been working on a way of assessing each case as it comes forward. Although it might seem straighforward to the outsider we have to take into account many factors.

The property issues around the Debenham, Eye and Stradbroke libraries are, as I am sure you realise, quite different for each site. I know that Brian Prettyman is keen to resolve them all, as I am, so that you can progress with this Library Pilot and he will be in touch with you soon.
What is particularly upsetting is that many of us took a leap of faith agreeing to take part in these pilots after a hard fought campaign against the County Council's library plans. We thought we were entering into a partnership with the County Council and so to be described as "outsiders" is disappointing.

In addition this email was sent on 20th September and today on 13 October we are still waiting for Brian to be in touch with us "soon".

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