why I am standing at the District Council elections as a Lib Dem Candidate
People don't really notice local government. Until it goes badly wrong that is. That is what has happened in Suffolk over the past year to two years and currently local government has a high profile but for all the wrong reasons. We now have an out of control County Council and there are two years until the elections. Public services are being cut and the council appears to be being run by an unelected and overpaid Chief Executive.
But there are elections to the District Councils in Suffolk this May and whilst these elections won't stop the cuts and out of control behavior of our County Council the results will send a message to the Conservative administration. District councillors can help to stand up strongly against the cuts and campaign for services to be kept in our local villages.
District Councils are responsible for many important local services and decisions such as planning, refuse collection, licensing, housing and leisure centres that make a difference to people's daily lives. This is not the stuff of high party politics but the councillors are all part of political groups and currently the Conservative and Independent Group is in control of the council with 24 seats, Greens and Suffolk Together have 6 seats and the Liberal Democrats 10.
So I have decided to stand for election to the District Council as a Lib Dem candidate. I will publish a full election leaflet shortly but if elected I will:
But there are elections to the District Councils in Suffolk this May and whilst these elections won't stop the cuts and out of control behavior of our County Council the results will send a message to the Conservative administration. District councillors can help to stand up strongly against the cuts and campaign for services to be kept in our local villages.

So I have decided to stand for election to the District Council as a Lib Dem candidate. I will publish a full election leaflet shortly but if elected I will:
- Act as a strong voice for all the people of Stradbroke and Laxfield in defending public services provided by the District Council and campaign actively against cuts to vital village services such as libraries, post offices, medical services, transport links and youth services
- Work closely with both Stradbroke Parish Council (which I have just been elected to) and Laxfield Parish Council and support decision making at a parish level wherever possible
- Work to ensure that the planned merger between Mid Suffolk and Babergh District provides value for money for council tax payers and continues to maintain local accountability
- Work to ensure that the joint venture company "Customer Service Direct" owned by BT, Mid Suffolk and Suffolk County Council provides value for money
- Work to support affordable housing whilst maintaining the character of Stradbroke and Laxfield
- Ensure that information is provided to the people of Stradbroke and Laxfield about the the District Council through parish magazines, the Stradbroke and Laxfield parish websites and through my own Blog