Petitions to Save Suffolk Libraries with more than 19 000 signatures handed to Suffolk CC
Me handing a petition to Cllr Judy Terry |
More than 20 representatives from libraries across Suffolk together with opposition councillors from both the Lib Dem and Labour groups converged on Endeavour House to hand in the petitions and to send a strong message to Suffolk County Council as the library consultation comes to an end.
Cllr Judy Terry seemed unwilling to come and receive the petitions at first but after chants of "Judy Terry Come on Down" and a trip to Reception she eventually appeared. As you can see from the video (on way) she did seem to be indicating that the strength of feeling had been acknowledged and that "we would be surprised" at what their plans are. She struggled to answer the questions put by protesters eventually telling Cllr Kathy Pollard (Lib Dem Group Leader) and the protesters in a patronising way that we "didn't understand" their plans which was met with derision from those present!
This table shows the petitions handed in:
Petitions in italics previously handed in but representatives at handover
Paper | Online | Total | |
Aldeburgh | 1200 | 1200 | |
ALL Libraries | 722 | 722 | |
Bungay | 1202 | 56 | 1258 |
Debenham | 828 | 149 | 977 |
Hadleigh | 59 | 59 | |
Ipswich County | 3945 | 3945 | |
Ipswich Labour | 1600 | 1600 | |
Kesgrave | 45 | 265 | 310 |
Leiston | 759 | 181 | 940 |
Oulton Broad | 1229 | 22 | 1251 |
Rosehill | 3128 | 469 | 3597 |
Saxmundham | 1703 | 147 | 1850 |
Stradbroke | 700 | 100 | 800 |
Woodbridge | 578 | 578 | |
TOTAL | 16976 | 2111 | 19087 |
Petitions in italics previously handed in but representatives at handover
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
UPDATE 1425 values altered to include missed out Online petitions from Rosehill and split between Hadleigh and Ipswich Central petitions