Jeremy Pembroke about to resign as leader of Suffolk County Council?
Jeremy Pembroke UPDATE - 12 Midnight the EADT have confirmed that Jeremy Pembroke has resigned as leader of Suffolk CC and will retire f...
Jeremy Pembroke UPDATE - 12 Midnight the EADT have confirmed that Jeremy Pembroke has resigned as leader of Suffolk CC and will retire f...
Graham Dixon Two senior Suffolk County Council staff suddenly left under unexplained circumstances yesterday. Graham Dixon, Director of R...
Since the March for the Alternative this weekend there has been considerable comment and debate in the press about what happened. In order t...
Today I marched for the alternative ...I made a video and took some photos which you can see below: Created with Admarket's flic...
I blogged earlier this year on Academy status in a post called Academy Status: The Question that won't go away about how all schools sh...
Eric Pickles addressing the Tory Party Conference Suffolk County Council are going around telling anyone who will listen that they have n...
The lovely people running the Rosehill campaign in Ipswich have released full details of the march planned for Saturday 2nd April starting a...
Roger McMaster at the Stradbroke Public Meeting on 21st February This blog can reveal that Roger McMaster the Head of Suffolk Libraries ...
Acrostic of "Library" on the wall at Debenham Library Over the weekend we heard news of the responses in Ixworth and Wickham M...
Creators of the "Library" acrostic pose for a photo An all night marathon read-in began today at Suffolk's smallest library...
An unhappy looking Cllr Eddy Alcock, Chairman of Suffolk CC I was at the Debenham library read-in earlier today and as you can imagine t...
I was unhappy yesterday when my Freedom of Information request for the full responses from the library consultation were met with a refusal ...
Suffolk County Council have today responded to a Freedom of Information Act request to publish the results of the ongoing library consultati...
Today the newly launched Wikisuffolk placed the full text of a document written by Mike Ellwood, Suffolk County Council's library consul...
Last month I joined a group of other library campaigners at The Endeavour House Meeting with Suffolk County Council. The meeting although cl...
Jim Lynch LSSI Stuart St. V Fitzgerald LSSI This blog has been detailing the twists and turns of the Suffolk Library consultation....
Save the date! A week after the big London demonstration there will be a march and protest in Ipswich on Saturday 2nd April starting at Ende...
Cllr Judy Terry Suffolk County Council's library consultation is clearly not going to plan. In fact it is going so badly that they ha...
Andrea Hill Suffolk CC's CEO Earns £218K a year Ipswich Spy is today calling on Andrea Hill to resign and I agree. The Blog hits ...
Endeavour House "The Ministry of Truth" It is, perhaps, appropriate that the river that runs through Ipswich is the Orwell. To...
On Saturday I had the pleasure of joining the march to save Leiston Library and also took the opportunity to look around the library which i...
Some of you might remember when this Blog was mainly about tech and not constant articles about Suffolk County Council! Anyway I am taking s...
This is an open letter to Andrea Hill, CEO of Suffolk County Council Ms Andrea Hill "Misunderstood" Endeavour House Ipswich 2 M...
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