Suffolk governors move into 21st century?
If you are a school governor you probably have a large cupboard or filing cabinet full of paper. Minutes of meetings, agendas, head teachers reports, LA papers etc Not only does this waste a lot of trees but it takes up space and unless you are organised makes it hard to find stuff.
I have recently been testing an iPad to see how it can be used for serious work, we all know it's great for fun things like video, social networking, web browsing and it brought an idea to mind. Why not ditch all the paper and do it all electronically? So for our next meeting I am not taking any paper, just an iPad with the documents for the meeting in PDF format so I can read and make notes on them using the iAnnotate app which I am about to review in my second round of iPad apps post.

As you can see from the screenshot above you can read and make notes on the papers just like paper documents and you at least have a good chance of not loosing them!
Suffolk County Council helpfully publish the papers on the web but these are in Word format that easily gets garbled on mobile devices so I have converted the papers to PDFs and they are available here on Google Docs if you want to give it a try!
I am going to ask Suffolk if they will consider an opt-out from receiving paper copies of the papers and if they will publish them in PDF format themselves.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I have recently been testing an iPad to see how it can be used for serious work, we all know it's great for fun things like video, social networking, web browsing and it brought an idea to mind. Why not ditch all the paper and do it all electronically? So for our next meeting I am not taking any paper, just an iPad with the documents for the meeting in PDF format so I can read and make notes on them using the iAnnotate app which I am about to review in my second round of iPad apps post.

As you can see from the screenshot above you can read and make notes on the papers just like paper documents and you at least have a good chance of not loosing them!
Suffolk County Council helpfully publish the papers on the web but these are in Word format that easily gets garbled on mobile devices so I have converted the papers to PDFs and they are available here on Google Docs if you want to give it a try!
I am going to ask Suffolk if they will consider an opt-out from receiving paper copies of the papers and if they will publish them in PDF format themselves.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad