iPhone 3GS UK Info
3GS coming to UK on 19th JUNE but UK users need to pay to end their contracts to upgrade...eek...see O2's Twitter http://twitter.com/o2
O2 Monthly Pricing http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html
PAYG Pricing http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paygo.html
They are even charging for Tethering....
A PAYG version is expected the same day..no prices yet http://02.co.uk/iphone and http://store.apple.com/uk/ browse/home/shop_iphone/fa mily/iphone?mco=NjcxMTk1Nw for more details. US owners can order already :-(
Great thread on Mac Rumours re UK iPhones http://forums.macrumors.co m/showthread.php?t=713541
O2 Monthly Pricing http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html
PAYG Pricing http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paygo.html
They are even charging for Tethering....
3.0 Software
iPhone 3.0 free for all on 17 June
Oh and I am just downloading the Gold Master of the 3.0 update as devs get it today :-)
Oh and I am just downloading the Gold Master of the 3.0 update as devs get it today :-)
3.0GM seems fine much like Beta 5 but I noticed it didn't loose the position of all my apps when I upgraded but remembered where I had put them which was great!
Tom Tom
See the pics and info at http://iphone.tomtom.com/
No prices/dates yet!
Upgrade from 3G to 3GS on contract
The only sensible way to upgrade for existing iPhone 3G owners (well sensible people would probably wait until the end of the contract!) is:
(a) Sell iPhone 3G on eBay for approx £200
(b) Buy iPhone 3GS 32Gb on PAYG for £ - net cost is around £338 but then on a new 18 month £44 contract it is £175!!
(c) Put Pay Monthly SIM in PAYG phone
This way least you can probably upgrade to the 4th gen iPhone on launch!
18 month contracts and 12 month products cycles are a recipie for tears!!